
Arkansas River
3-4 hours
Class II-III
Ages 10+
Adult $85


If you are looking for a good all-around rafting trip Browns Canyon is for you. 

A roughly 10 mile paddle down the Arkansas River through Browns Canyon National Monument. This is a great Class III adventure that is sure to supply you with plenty of fun and excitement. There are plenty of bumps and waves to keep you howling all the way down the river especially with rapids with names like “Canyon Door,” “Pinball,” “Zoom Flume,” and “Widowmaker.” Not only are you paddling through Browns Canyon National Monument on this Class III adventure but you also get some spectacular scenery and views of the Collegiate Range as well. A definite step up from our fun float but still a great trip for the family or a group of friends. This is one of the most popular whitewater stretches in the country. . 

Note: If flow is above 2,500 CFS you must be age 13+.

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Arkansas River
3 hours
Class III-IV
Age 16+
Adult $95


If you are looking for adventure, then this is your trip. The Numbers offers continuous back to back rapids. 

Not for the timid adventurer. The Numbers has 7 major rapids, numbered 1-7. But there are more rapids than just those 7 to keep you busy. This section of the river is a bit more narrow than Browns Canyon and it has more of an alpine feel. When you are catching your breath between rapids you will also be able to take in some beautiful scenery with majestic views of both the Collegiate Peaks and the Mosquito Range. This is the trip you want if you are looking to up your game. No experience is necessary for this trip, but we do recommend you to be in good physical shape, and you must be at least 16 years old. You need to be ready to paddle.

Note: We will not run Numbers if flow is above 2,400 CFS.

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Salida White Park

Lower Arkansas River
3-4 hours
Class II
Ages 6+
Adult $85


Good for a first-time float and for getting your feet wet on a relaxing stretch of the Arkansas River. 

If you are just looking for a first time out, a fun day with family or friends, or just a nice relaxing river trip with a couple of bumps and waves to add just a bit of excitement this trip is for you. There are a few Class I-II rapids on this section and plenty of relaxing flat water as well, which provides plenty of fun for ages 6 and older. You can paddle along with your guide or take a break on the flat water to enjoy the views and look for wildlife. Elk, mule deer, bighorn sheep, eagles, and a multitude of other wildlife species are routinely seen along the river. Not to mention, you also get the views of the 14,000’ Collegiate Peaks. There may also be time for a quick swim in the river to cool down from the beautiful Colorado sun.

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Choose Your Own Adventure


Do you want a longer trip? Do you want a different trip? Do you want a trip that caters towards a specific need or challenge? Do you want a team building or experiential education trip? Do you want more rapids less rapids absolutely no rapids?

If you want anything different or in addition to what we have advertised chances are we can make it happen. Prices would vary depending upon what adventure you choose. Go ahead and give us a call 719-851-0371 or email us and we will get to work helping you design your next adventure.